Graphic Design News

Dual-Enrollment: Graphic Design School and High School Credit

Sometimes, graphic design school starts a little early; students in dual enrollment classes can get a head start on their degree.

Is it worth it to get a jump on credits they will have to earn at graphic design school after high school graduation? Most say yes, yes it is.

Being a dual-enrolled high school student is a lot of work. Not only are they studying their normal high school coursework, they are adding elements that most students would not learn until they entered into a college or university. For high-achieving high school students however, this added curriculum might just save them money and time when they finally get into a graphic design school.

Graphic design schools often teach the basics in the first years of their programs – stuff like how to run graphic design software and basic concept creation and management. High schools are already employing new technology and computers are part of the classroom. So a class in electronic drafting, for example, is likely going to involve getting to know some of the software a student might use in their college courses.

It makes sense for students who already know that they want to attend a graphic design school later to learn as much as they can before they get there. High schools offer electives, too, so it becomes easier with computer technology to blend these ideas together for high school juniors and seniors. This is one of the reasons that technical high schools are popping up in tons of cities around the country, too.

The term “dual enrollment” is important and differs slightly from “technical high school”. Students that are dually enrolled in a high school and passing college level coursework in a college approved curriculum are awarded credits for the classes that go toward their high school diploma and their college degree.